Columnists ,Andrew Frankel
MAR 22nd 2019

Andrew Frankel

Remembering the obscure but brilliant Panther Solo

One of the things I enjoy most about this column is that every so often it makes me think back to a car I drove many years ago and have scarcely thought of since. Now, to be fair, most of the time the reason these cars have fled my mind is that they didn’t really merit being there in the first place and whatever residual footprint remains is now so faint as to be barely visible at all. Were I, for instance, to dedicate the rest of this space to my memories of the original Suzuki Baleno, I’d be able to tell you that the windscreen wipers of the car I drove came on all by themselves during hard cornering to the left. Or was it to the right? Dunno and in either case, it would make for a pretty short column. But the Panther Solo? Well...

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