Road ,News
FEB 18th 2022

Andrew Frankel

The DeLorean was a huge missed opportunity | GRR

I’ve been to many defunct car factories and are all sad places: Romano Artioli’s once beautiful Bugatti facility still sits, fading in the Italian sunshine, at the side of a dual carriageway outside Modena. The extraordinary Packard plant where 40,000 people once worked remains in a state of irretrievable dereliction, spread over 330 square kilometres of Detroit suburbs. But none was quite so forlorn as the DeLorean factory at Dunmurry, outside Belfast.

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Andrew Frankel has been racing cars for over 20 years and testing them for nearer to 30. He is senior contributing writer to both Autocar and MotorSport magazines, sits on the Car of the Year jury and was chief car tester for the Sunday Times for 15 years. He cites driving and writing as the only disciplines for which he has any talent and therefore considers himself vocationally employed. When he is not working he lives quietly in the Wye Valley with his family, a small and unimportant accumulation of cheap old cars and some sheep.

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