80 Meyers Manx dune buggies celebrated model’s 60th at Revival

10th September 2024
Russell Campbell

More than 80 Meyers Manx dune buggies celebrated the car’s 60th anniversary with a parade lap opening each day at the Goodwood Revival.

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The event attracted Manx buggies from around the globe, with Phillip Sarofim, Chairman of Meyers Manx, and the Duke of Richmond taking their place on the car’s period-correct wicker seats during the first parade on Friday morning. 

That was a warm up to the main event – the European unveiling of the Meyers Manx 2.0 Electric Prototype, taking centre stage at the Earls Court Motor Show. Featuring a high-torque electric motor and 40.0kWh battery.

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“Goodwood Revival is the perfect stage to honour 60 years of Meyers Manx while showcasing the future with our electric prototype,” said Sarofim. 

“It’s a tribute to the legacy Bruce Meyers started and a look forward to how we’re keeping the Manx spirit alive in the electric age.”

Goodwood photography by Jochen Van Cauwenberge, Joe Harding and Jordan Butters.

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