Event Coverage ,Goodwood Revival
Updated: JUL 08th 2022

Kathyrn Spencer

How to wear vintage all year round

Unlike passing trends, it’s safe to say that vintage – with its classic time-tested looks – never goes out of style. Just hop onto Instagram where you’ll be greeted by more than 11 million mentions of #vintagefashion (and that’s before we even get into homewares!). What’s more, opting for vintage pieces can be great value, if you look hard enough, scouring for pre-loved pieces is kinder to the planet, and if you’re lucky you may get a charming backstory too.

But how does one wear vintage all year round? Adding flourishes of vintage to your existing wardrobe is one way to celebrate yesteryear. Here are some trusty tips for making the most out of your next vintage rummage…


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