Road ,News
Updated: MAR 17th 2023

Gary Axon

The quiet demise of the GB sticker | Axon's Automotive Anorak

Totally unbeknown to me, I have unintentionally been breaking the law for the last 18 months or so! Recently returning northbound through the wilds of mid-France, aiming for the Euro Tunnel vehicle terminal at Coquelles, I encountered some of the very worst weather conditions I have ever had to drive through, tackling high winds, intense rain and blocked, closed and heavily flooded roads. When I eventually stopped for a much-needed break, I noticed the shiny chrome decorative sleeve protecting the tip of my exhaust pipe had been ripped of, with the magnetic GB sticker that I had had for years on the car’s tailgate also now awol: both lost from braving the atrocious and hazardous road conditions.


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