
Get Into Golf

'Get into Golf' offers all new starters and people returning to the game a fun and relaxed introduction. Our four-week group courses for £60 provide expert tuition on all aspects of the game. No dress code, no equipment and no experience required!

Get Into Golf


For the complete beginner to golf, this four-week course will introduce you to the game in a fun and friendly environment. Your PGA Professional will cover the key fundamentals of golf, providing you with the skills and confidence to get out on to the course at the end of the programme. 

Get Into Golf


You have learnt the basics; now, it is time to take it to the next level and improve your game further. Master the full swing with a variety of practice routines and drills while also continuing to develop your short game and putting skills. In your final session, take to The Park course with guidance from your PGA Professional. 

Get Into Golf

Get out onto the course

Aimed at those who are ready to take on the golf course or have taken part in our beginner or improver courses. During these sessions, you will continue to refine your swing, short game and putting at the range and putting green. You will also get the opportunity to take to The Park Course during two of your sessions with your PGA Professional for 90 minutes to learn course management and how to lower your scores. 

Get Into Golf



On The Course

In this two hour session you will learn how to lower your scores through a better understanding of course strategy and management.


Short Game Fundamentals

This session focuses on the elements of your short game that are most important in helping you reduce your scores.


Bunker Basics

For players struggling to get their ball out of the bunker or for those looking just to get the ball closer to the hole. We will be covering all aspects of bunker play including club selection, distance control and different lies.


Half-Day Improver

This session will cover the fundamentals of short game, approach shots and tee shots.


As a beginner, I was very nervous about starting the game, but the ‘Get Into Golf’ programme is a very relaxed and fun environment to learn and has given me the confidence to start playing with friends.

Richard Williams

The Academy

Get In Touch

Speak to a member of the Golf Team at The Academy 

01243 755133
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