Guidelines for

Overseas Arrivals & Departures

We want to make your travel as easy as possible, without reducing HM Custom’s protection.

Notification of expected departures from and arrival at Goodwood should be given to either:

Goodwood ATS
Telephone: +44 (0)1243 755061
Facsimile: +44 (0)1243 755062 (Aerodrome hours)

Portsmouth Customs
Telephone: +44 (0)2392 952700
Facsimile: +44 (0)2392 852107 (hours: 0600 - 1200)

Useful telephone numbers:
Aerodrome: 01243 755087
Control Tower: 01243 755061
Gatwick Special Branch: 01293 531 994 

Flights from Goodwood

EEC Destinations: Operators are asked to leave a completed notification form with ATS prior to departure.
Non – EEC Destinations: Operators must leave a completed notification form with ATS at least 4 hours prior to departure.

Flights to Goodwood

From EEC: Operators must leave a completed notification form with ATS at least 4 hours prior to arrival.
From Outside EEC: Operators must leave a completed notification form at least 24 hours prior to arrival.

The name, date of birth, nationality and passport number of all on board are needed. You must also declare your intentions to import or export any dutiable goods.

Passports are not needed for Channel Island flights but we advise you to take your passports in case you need to divert.

Changes to the details on the form, including changes of more than 30 minutes to the planned arrival or departure times should be given to ATS before your flight. Please allow sufficient time for us to inform Customs of the changes.

You can pass your flight details to Plymouth Customs direct. However, you must leave a completed notification form in ATS prior to departure and/or immediately after arrival and before crew or passengers leave the aerodrome.

Under the Prevention of Terrorism Act, you must obtain Special Branch clearance for flights to and from Northern Ireland, Eire, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands, at least 12 hours prior to the flight. The name, address place and date of birth of all on board are needed for the clearance. The telephone number for Gatwick Special Branch is 01293 531 994.