
Noise Management

We strive to be good neighbours by managing aircraft related noise - please help us.

Managing Aircraft Noise

Goodwood Aerodrome strives to be a good neighbour by managing aircraft related noise in a number of ways. The Aerodrome operates within a Section 52 Agreement which sets operational and performance limits for Aerodrome users.  This legally binding agreement was established in 1987 with Chichester District Council and sets operational limits for:

  • The maximum number of movements in a calendar year
  • The maximum number of ‘touch and go’ movements by training aircraft
  • A maximum number of helicopter movements
  • A maximum number of helicopter training circuits
  • The maximum all up weight (MAUW) of any aircraft using the Aerodrome

Further to these specific operational limits, additional criteria is applied in the interests of our neighbours within the local community.  These are;

  • Touch and go training circuits for helicopters and fixed wind aircraft are restricted to 0900Hrs-1800Hrs or sunset, whichever is earlier
  • Fixed wing touch and go training is not permitted after 1400Hrs on a Sunday
  • Helicopter training circuits are not permitted on a Sunday
  • Night flying is restricted to not more than two evenings in any one week, and not later than 2200Hrs
  • All movements are restricted to the period 0700Hrs – 2100Hrs, except for specific movements in exceptional circumstances.

Within the Section 52 Agreement there is a requirement to develop and adopt Noise Preferred Routings (NPRs) to avoid, where possible, flying over noise sensitive areas.  Five of the runways at Goodwood have associated NPRs for aircraft departures. These are Runways 10, 14, 24, 28, and Runway 32.

To ensure that pilots flying from Goodwood are fully briefed about departure noise routes, we have many other ways that pilots are advised of the noise sensitive areas, such as unambiguous airfield information signs adjacent to runways, links to the noise routing charts on the website and individual noise maps for each runway that the pilot can take with them when they depart.  What we are not able to do is to physically control or direct aircraft in the air. 

Goodwood Aerodrome operates a Flight Information Service (FIS) which is an advisory/information service within the air traffic zone.  The air traffic zone has a radius of 2nm from the centre of the Aerodrome, up to a height of 2000’ above Aerodrome level (2110’ above mean sea level).  Outside of the air traffic zone, compliance with the Rules of the Air is entirely the pilots’ responsibility.

Aerodrome Consultative Committee

This committee meets three times a year to review the Goodwood Aerodrome's performance against a range of control measures for managing aircraft related activity. These controls are in the form of a legally binding Section 52 Agreement, in place since 1987, between the Aerodrome operator and Chichester District Council.

The Aerodrome Consultative Committee is a representative body of local Councillors, Parish Councillors, Resident Groups/Committees, based Flying Training organisations and the Aerodrome operator (Goodwood).

Section 52 Agreement (Town & Planning Act) between Goodwood (Aerodrome) and Chichester County Council (CDC)

Summary of key aspects of the agreement:

  • Agreement signed on 7 October 1987
  • S52 Agreement implemented as a result of planning app WH/22/86, which relates to the construction of a commercial flying training school building.

The following Section 52 and Section 33 Restrictions apply:

Movements and maximum permitted weight:

  • Maximum permitted number of movements in a calendar year shall not exceed 70000
  • Of the 70000, not more than 30000 movements shall be touch and go by a fixed wing aircraft
  • Of the 70000, not more than 10000 shall be helicopter movements
  • Of the 10000 helicopter movements, not more than 4000 shall be circuits
  • The maximum MAUW of any one aircraft using the aerodrome shall not exceed 12500lbs ( 5700 kgs) other than in exceptional circumstance

Permitted operating times / days

  • Touch and go training by fixed wing aircraft and rotary wing hover training, are restricted to the period 0900L to 1800L, or sunset, whichever is earlier, with the following exceptions;
    • On Sundays, fixed wing touch and go training shall not take place after 1400L
    • On Sundays, helicopter circuits for training are not permitted
  • Night Flying – Helicopter training and fixed wing touch and go’s shall not normally be permitted on more than two evenings, until 2200L, each week. The two evenings are the same for both helicopter and fixed wing.
  • All movements, except night flying, are restricted to the period 0700L to 2100L, except for individual charter business or positioning movements in exceptional circumstances. No restrictions apply to emergency movements.

Circuits, NPRs and Record keeping:

  • Hover training areas (rotary), optimum (published) circuit patterns for fixed wing aircraft and noise routings (NPRs) shall be adopted to avoid over flying noise sensitive areas.
  • Fixed wing circuit height shall not be less than 1200’ aal, and not less than 900’ aal for helicopters. Exceptions are made for the take off/landing phase of flight and are subject to prevailing weather.
  • Requirement for the aerodrome to maintain a formal recording system to monitor movements. As a minimum, the system will provide the necessary information to comply with this agreement and will be available for inspection by CDC during office hours and subject to 24 hours pre notice.
  • For the purpose of this agreement, a movement is either a landing or take off; i.e.; a touch and go by fixed wing aircraft is two movements, a training circuit by a helicopter is also two movements.
  • The Agreement shall not preclude the aerodrome management from complying with safety or the requirements of the CAA Aerodrome Licence.

Review of the Agreement:

  • The Agreement can be reviewed at any time after the fifth anniversary of the Agreement, at the request of either CDC or the aerodrome operator, to review the terms.
  • The Agreement can be reviewed at any time after the third anniversary of the Agreement, to take account of any special change of circumstances connected with the use of the aerodrome.
  • Any dispute of disagreement about a request to review or modify the Agreement, shall be referred to arbitration by President RICS.
  • The Arbiter will give due regard to adverse environmental impact (including pollution by noise) arising from airfield use, if operational efficiencies and optimum use of the airfield is suggested.
  • The decision of the Arbiter is final and binding.

Noise Management Enquiries

Thank you for submitting your form regarding Aviation Noise Management at Goodwood.

We appreciate your interest and will ensure that your enquiry is dealt with swiftly.

If you have any further questions or in the unlikely event you have not received a reply in 2 working days, please contact us. You can do this via email or telephone and full details are available here:

Once again, thank you for your interest in Goodwood.

We look forward to you visiting us soon; on the Estate or online.