How's Your Crown?

02nd May 2023

In a month celebrating the coronation of King Charles , Sara Alliss, our resident Kinesiologist, talks about the Crown Chakra and the benefits of chakra balancing.


In a month celebrating the coronation of our new King, Sara Alliss, our resident Kinesiologist, talks about the Crown Chakra and the benefits of chakra balancing.

The Crown has been a symbol of honour and power for thousands of years, from the diadem of prehistoric times, the Hedjet worn by the great Pharoah’s, to the jewel adorned crowns of more modern monarchs. They have always symbolised power, dignity and sovereignty.

Crowns are not just intricate head dresses worn by royalty; did you know that we all have a crown, located at the top of our head, otherwise known as the 7th Chakra or in Sanskrit Sahasrara meaning “thousand petal lotus”.

Originating in India, the chakras were first mentioned in the Vedas, ancient sacred texts of spiritual knowledge, dating from 1500 to 1000BC.  They have become more discussed in recent times with the growth in popularity of yoga and New Age philosophies.

Chakras are the energy centres of our body, spinning discs of energy that correspond to bundles of nerves, major organs and areas of our energetic body that affect our emotional and physical well-being. They store the energy of thoughts, feelings, memories, experiences and actions. They influence and direct our present and future mindset, behaviour, emotional health and actions. 

There are 7 main chakras and it is important that they stay balanced, aligned and working in harmony.  A blockage can restrict the energy flow to nerves and organs. Imagine washing up in the sink after a Sunday lunch, without using a plug.  Eventually the drain will get blocked with bits of food until the water is backed up and if left would become stagnant and eventually bacteria and mould would grow. So, it is with our bodies and the chakras.

The seven chakras are; root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown. Each chakra holds the beliefs, emotions and memories related to specific areas of our life.  The lower chakras (Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus) are related to earthly matters such as survival, sex and power.  The top three chakras (throat, third eye, crown) are related to higher consciousness, truth, intuition and purpose.  In the middle, the heart chakra, which bridges the two worlds with empathy, love and compassion.

The crown chakra is located at the top of the head and the colour associated with it is violet.  Its symbol is a lotus flower with 1,000 petals. If the crown chakra is blocked or imbalanced you may have feelings of loneliness and lack of direction, you may not understand your purpose and be unable to take responsibility for your own life. An overactive crown chakra often manifests as a desire for material belongings which never seems capable of being satisfied. When the crown chakra is aligned you feel a state of blissful union with all that is, you feel a connection to universal consciousness and love.

To open the crown chakra takes practice, but anyone can do it.  You may be able to get a taste through daily practices; meditation, prayer, silence and gratitude.

Something to try; sit somewhere comfortably and take some deep breaths, allow your body to settle in the space it finds itself.  When you are feeling relaxed imagine breathing in a beautiful violet light. Imagine that light flowing around your entire body, bringing with it energy and lightness to your cells.

Try saying some of these statements while in this relaxed state – “I am on my perfect path for my life purpose” “everything is connected and I am connected to all of life”  “my crown chakra is open and in perfect balance” “I am open to knowing myself more deeply”

If you would like to have a chakra balance you can book an appointment with Sara at the Health Club reception.


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