Love Your Alignment: 5 Tips to Keep Your Spine Aligned

31st January 2024

Our Wellbeing Directory practitioner, Belinda Hurst, shares five essential tips to keep your spine aligned. These practices are not only crucial for your physical health but also contribute to an overall sense of balance and vitality.


In our fast-paced lives, it's easy to overlook the importance of maintaining a healthy posture and alignment, and yet there is a significant importance of a well-aligned spine in fostering a harmonious connection between mind and body.

Explore these five essential tips to keep your spine aligned. These practices are not only crucial for your physical health but also contribute to an overall sense of balance and vitality.

1. Stand Tall with Poise

Begin your alignment journey by standing tall, distributing your weight evenly between the front and back of your feet. Imagine you have a Jo Malone Box on top of your head to keep you balanced.

2. Sit with Intent:

Whether at your desk or on the sofa, sit up straight with both feet planted firmly on the ground. Avoid crossing your legs or slouching. If you are at a desk in a chair or on the sofa, get up and move about regularly; go for a walk, stand up, sit down, stand up again. Imagine you have a box of chocolates balanced on your head.

3. Breathe for Balance:

Focus on your breath. If you breathe deeply right into the bottom of your lower ribs and fill your lungs up with lovely fresh air and then breathe out emptying all the air from your lungs, you will find your spine again. Why not give it a go right now and see what happens?

4. Support Your Sleep:

If you lie to sleep on your back grab a pillow and pop it underneath your knees, or if you prefer to sleep on your side experiment with pillow in between your knees.  This will help your lower back not to arch or sink.  Don’t a good supportive pillow for your neck, ensuring a restful and aligned night's sleep.

5. Treat Your Body with Care:
Similar to a car needing an MOT, your body deserves regular maintenance. Consider soft tissue or sports massages; the Goodwood Tailor Made Massage is perfect to release tension in various parts of your spine. These massages enhance blood flow, loosen tight muscles and promote an overall sense of relaxation.

To elevate your alignment journey consider joining a Pilates class, as it teaches you to align your spine, breathe consciously and engage your core correctly. You can then bring these practices in your everyday activities, be it reaching for a top shelf item, swinging a golf club, or enjoying a leisurely walk around the Goodwood Estate.

We offer a range of Pilates, Yoga, Strength and Flexibility classes at Goodwood Health and Wellbeing, and Bee is one of the Wellbeing Directory practitioners who offers one-to-one tailor-made classes to suit individual needs, including pre and post-natal as well as osteopenia and osteoporosis.

Find out more about our range of classes along with our Wellbeing Directory as part of a Goodwood Health and Welllbeing Membership here.

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