
Ultimate Aerobatics

Fly Ultimate Aerobatics with a leading Aerobatic Pilot in the world's top two-seat stunt aircraft. Then have a go yourself.

from £525 per person
  • person
    1 person
  • ticket
    12 month validity
  • location
    Goodwood Motor Circuit


Fly Ultimate Aerobatics with a leading Aerobatic Pilot in the world's top two-seat stunt aircraft. Then have a go yourself.

After a thorough briefing, you will first get to know the aeroplane. Your instructor will then show you the basic aerobatic manoeuvres and then you will get the chance to fly the manoeuvres yourself. These include loop, aileron roll, stall turn, barrel roll, Cuban 8, slow roll, derry turn.

What's included?

  • Full briefing with your flight instructor where you'll be taught how to fly aerobatic style and given a detailed safety briefing and parachute brief
  • You will spend 35 minutes in the plane, 20 minutes of which are airborne
  • Once you take off, you'll get to know the aeroplane with an introduction to the controls
  • Learn aerobatic manoeuvres which includes loop, barrel roll, and many more!
  • Full debrief with your instructor which includes a certificate. You also have the chance to purchase a video of your experience